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Frequently asked questions

This is not a scam.  We pay you so that we can better understand the companies you purchase from.  Sound too good to be true? 

We perform market research with the goal of better understanding companies.  We perform this research by collecting receipt data. Data from your receipts is added to our dataset, the Data Hive, which is summarized in company research reports that investors purchase. Information in the Data Hive is always anonymous.  We understand you may be concerned about protecting your privacy. That's why we will never request any personal information. In fact, we request that you redact anything personal from the data that you send us and in case you forget, our team will remove it for you.  

Email receipts should be forwarded or screenshotted and emailed to us at [email protected] 

We encourage all our contributors to redact personal information from their receipts.  Your privacy is extremely important to us.  We do not want any personal information such as your address or bank details, and request that you redact this information before sending your receipts. 

We pay all contributors through PayPalmaking sure your payment is quick, secure and convenient! 

Your privacy is really important to us!  There are a lot of ways to redact information.  We’ve put together a video tutorial on one of the easiest ways to hide personal details from your receiptsCheck it out here.